Friday, March 9, 2012

Kept the House!

I'm very happy that I was recently able to help a couple protect their home, car, and savings of close to $200,000, while being treated for Alzheimer's. The husband had developed Alzheimer’s and applied for Benefits. The couple have had to pay close to $110,000 of her assets to the nursing home prior to qualifying for Benefits. As I was able to help with my knowledge on how to exempt assets, not only is the house protected, but also the entire estate. The husband is now in a long term facility specializing in Alzheimer’s care while the wife does not have to worry about how to get by each month. She is protected as long as she lives.

Have you - or someone you know - been in a similar situation? I would like to hear from you!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Put the Brakes on "Spending Down" Life Savings

Every day I help families preserving their life savings from the devastating effects of “Spending Down” their assets on medical and long-term care expenses. Here's an example:

Grandma became sick and was placed in a hospital, then went to a nursing care facility at a cost of over $4,000 per month. I helped her reposition her $28,000.00 of life savings without incurring a Medi-Cal penalty period. Now if she recovers, she will still have money to pay her bills and maintain her dignity while living. If she does not recover, at least her heirs will get some benefits from her life savings she worked so hard for throughout her life.

If you have any questions, please visit the following website: